Pedestal Lathe Machine

Pedestal Lathe Machine is pedestal type lathe machine which is stand on their multiple foots that is called pedestal , pedestal lathe machine is not heavy lathe machine Heavy duty lathe machine , usually pedestal lathe machines are cheaper heavy duty lathe machines, size ranges starts from 4 ft to 16 ft .

The pedestal Lathes have their tools automatically fed to work and withdrawn after the cycle is complete are known as automatic lathes. 13. The pedestal lathe machine, thus, performs a fully automatic cycle of operations which, when repeated , produces the desired number of identical parts without any participation of the operator, This is actually what we mean by true automation o the machine. The only operation required to be performed manually is the loading of bar stock or the individual casting or forged blanks and inspection of job during the operation.

Lathe Machine in Agra-Uttarpradesh

Tool Room lathe machine is samle like of engine lathe machine but the only difference is number of spindle speeds. The spindle speed starts from very low to a high speed that is up to 2500 rpm. Tool Room Lathe machine inclusive of taper turning attachment, chuck, draw in collect attachment, pump for coolant, steady and follower rest etc.

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Full specifications Tool room lathe machine

Tool Room Lathe machine is used for working on dies gauges, tool, grinding and for many other purposes. It is costlier than other lathe machines due to to its multifunction operations and special types of accessories

Tool Room lathe machine

Mini Lathe Machine

Mini Lathe machine is operated by the pully mechanism or gear mechanism. It is not commonly used lathe machines. used onlyh in special purpose small turning jobs, It consists of a bed, tailstock, head etc. The head stock even provides multiple spindles speed. Basically, the headstock is stiff in structure.

Mini lathe machine is utilised in workshops and many other industries like automobile industry , pipe fittings industry. It is capable of feeding the cutting tool in the cross as well as a longitudinal direction while being connected with to the lathe axis with the help of leadscrew and carriage feed. It consists of three belts: Geared type, belt driven and motor driven

 Mini lathe machines are used for very detailed work and are normally small in size. These are mounted on bench and consist of similar parts like speed and engine lathe machines. It can perform all the operations of speed and engine lathe machine but the only visible difference is of size.

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