Planer machine is a built with complete metal body structure. This machine uses to produce plane and a flat surface by a single-point cutting tool. It’s a very large machine with complete heavy stuff. Planer tool is very securely fixed on a table which is called platen. The surface machined might be even, horizontal, vertical or at an edge.

Planer Machine Is a Very Useful Tool Which Performs The Following Operations:
- It makes the planing level flat, vertical and bent surfaces.
- Planing at an edge and machining dovetails.
- Planing spaces and scores.
(Linear planing)
- The most well-known uses of the planer are direct toolpath ones, for example,
- Creating precise level surfaces.
- Cutting spaces.
(Helical planing )
Although the fact that the archetypal toolpath of a planer is straight, helical cutting can be practiced by coupling the table’s direct movement to the concurrent revolution.
Major Parts Of Planer Machine:
- Upper cross rail
- Vertical tool head
- Bottom table
- Side tool head
- Bed at bottom
- Column housing

Features Of Planer Machine:
- This machine produces an amazing machining accuracy.
- With this machine, you can easily do deep cuts on your workpiece.
- Helpful to produce a quick result in working.
- Easily manage difficult work activities.
- Smoothly cut your workpiece without any trouble.
- Creating precise level surfaces.
- It has a long working life and less repair.
- Planer machine contains a high strength.
- Very useful for factory labor.
- It gives you fantastic performance during the working.

Disadvantages Of Planer Machine:
- Planer machine is so heavy and difficult to shift from one place to another.
- Utilizing a high power consumption
- Use of this machine is a little expensive.
- The machine is very heavier and larger.
- It requires an enormous floor space.
- Require a specialist to operate this machine.
- Sometimes it’s irritating because of his high noise.
- Machines occupy more workspace than a hand device
- Progressively risky whenever abused. Need a practiced man to work on it.
Esskay machines are the best manufacturers and exporter of the industrial machines like Lathe Machine, Drilling Machine, Shaper Machines, Milling Machine, Planer Machine, and Power Press Machine, etc.